Save Money on Moving House: 13 Tips for Saving Money on Moving

Everyone knows moving house is a stressful time, so it’s important to take advantage of the savings you can make to help make the whole process more affordable. There are a few ways you can save money on moving.

So before you move house, here are some tips to save money on your move.

  • Hire a moving company or a moving van
  • Don’t move your things over more than one trip if you don’t have to
  • Ask friends to help you out with the move
  • Be sure to plan ahead
  • Declutter
  • Compare the House Movers
  • Move-in Off-Peak Season
  • Find the Cheapest Day to Move House 
  • Receive Free Packing Materials
  • Reduce Food Waste
  • Save money on childcare
  • Change your mail address
  • Consider Shopping Second Hand

Hire a moving company or a moving van

To save money on moving, consider hiring a moving company or moving truck to get you from Point A to Point B. There are many reputable movers found online and in the newspaper. Make sure one is licensed in your state and ask them to provide references. Once you have found a reliable mover, look at their rates based on your move. Some companies charge by the hour or by the weight of your belongings. Also, compare their prices with other companies just to be sure that you’re getting the best deal possible to save money on your move. You can ask friends and family if they’ve recently used a mover – this will help you get an idea of how much different services usually cost.

Don’t move your things over more than one trip if you don’t have to.

When you have to move, the most efficient way to save money on your move or not overload yourself with boxes is to do it all at once.—if you can get everything into one van or truck, do it. The reason for this is simple: each time you move stuff over, you have to pay for the transportation again. That can add up if you’re making multiple trips, and it’s worth taking some time before your move to find out what exactly can fit into the vehicle you’ll be using. Do a test run if you have to—you should be able to pack all of your things in one trip.

Ask friends to help you out with the move

Moving can be a stressful time—there’s packing and planning, not to mention the physical exertion of actually moving your stuff. Instead of tackling it all on your own, why not ask your friends for help?
The day of the move is a perfect opportunity to have a party in your new place. Give everyone a job and keep them fed and hydrated with cheap snacks and beer (if you’re allowed to have that in your new place). They’ll appreciate helping you out and will probably be happy to relax with a cold beer after helping you move heavy furniture up several flights of stairs.

Be sure to plan ahead

Planning ahead is an important part to save money on your move. If you do it right, you can save yourself a lot of late fees and extra charges, and put some of the money you might have spent on rent towards your new home. We’ve scoped out the web to bring you some amazing tips to help get your finances in order before moving day and make sure you’re ready for the rush of expenses once you get there.


Moving is expensive, no matter how you look at it. Even if you stay in the same city, moving from one place to another can be a hassle and an expense for all kinds of reasons—packing, storage, unpacking, furniture repair, or even buying new furniture. But when you move from one city to another across the country (or the world), those costs can skyrocket.

One of the best ways to save money on moving is by making sure that you have as little excess stuff as possible to move with you. This can be a deceptively difficult thing to do: we’ve accumulated so much stuff over the years that it’s hard to sift through and figure out what we can dispense with and what we should keep. It’s especially important because most major moving companies have size limits on items that they’ll transport and store for you during transit—furniture items will count against these limits, so your massive coffee table may get left behind if there isn’t enough space in the truck. If you don’t want to deal with arranging storage with a company that could be thousands of miles away from where you’re living now, then it’s up to you and your family members to deal with clearing out your belongings before the move.

Compare the House Movers

Compare the House Movers for saving money on a move when searching for the most affordable service, first, you should conduct thorough research online. There are many moving companies nowadays, and some of them have quite different prices in comparison with others. Therefore, this is one way of saving money on a move. The procedure is simple-you just need to compare prices by checking different websites or even contacting different companies directly. Once you make a shortlist of companies that provide similar services at affordable rates, contact each of them separately and find out more detailed information about their work, including prices and conditions.

Move-in Off-Peak Season

Saving money is all about making smart decisions, and that starts with picking the right time to move. Peak season for home moves is in the summer months of June, July, and August—people are on vacation, kids are out of school and families are moving back into town after a long winter to start new jobs or resumes. But what if you’re not one of them? If your job keeps you busy year-round, moving during peak season isn’t a good option. You’ll be paying more for movers, prices will be higher on everything from boxes to storage units to utility hookups. That’s why it’s better to move during the off-peak season: between September and May. There’s less traffic on the roads, which can mean even cheaper movers (because they’re competing for business). Compare the bottom line between your options for moving days and off-peak times will save you money in other areas too—storage units, utilities, etc. Off-peak season is also a great time to check out your new neighborhood because people are far less likely to be looking for houses or apartments at that time of year.

Find the Cheapest Day to Move House

You might already know that moving house can be a stressful and expensive ordeal, so it’s always good to look for ways of saving on the cost. Especially when you are moving into your first home with a big family, you will want to do everything to keep costs low. One of the most important things is to find the cheapest day to move house.

The best days of the week to move house are Tuesday or Wednesday, as these are less busy than weekends and Mondays. If you need movers, avoid hiring them on Mondays since they’ll be tired from all the weekend moves. Also, don’t hire movers too early, as this is also when they will be tired from all the weekend moves.

In addition, always try to make your move on a sunny day, as this will make you feel better about your move and thus lower stress levels and make moving an enjoyable experience.

Receive Free Packing Materials

Whether you’re moving a few blocks or across the country, packing up your house and moving elsewhere can be a stressful and overwhelming experience.

There are a lot of myths out there about what is and isn’t free when it comes to moving houses, but if you know where to look, there are actually quite a few ways that you can save money on the whole process of moving. Letting friends and family know in advance that you’re looking for moving boxes can be a great way to save some money on a move. Most people have a few stacks of old cardboard boxes lying around—having them come out into the open means they won’t have to be bought new. All these boxes need to be cleaned, but if you set up an assembly line with some old newspaper and spray cleaner, you’ll have them good as new in no time.

Also, don’t forget that your friends and family members might have some plastic bins and totes lying around their houses as well! They can even give you things they were planning on throwing.

Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a major problem in the world, with well-meaning consumers throwing away tons of good food every year while they feel helpless to prevent it. The main reasons for this are lack of planning, over-buying when grocery shopping, and plain old forgetfulness. You can save money on moving house by being proactive to avoid food waste.

When you cook or buy more than you need, either eat leftovers before they go bad or freeze them for later. This will help you avoid waste because you’ll be eating your leftovers without letting them go to waste.

Inform yourself about the proper storage of different kinds of food–not just fruits and vegetables but also meats, dairy products, and bread to make sure that you’re keeping it in the proper conditions so that it stays fresh as long as possible.

Tossing out spoiled food not only has a monetary cost but also an environmental one: all those wasted kilos of groceries contribute to global warming as well as produce excess greenhouse gases. By reducing your own food waste, you’ll be helping the environment as well as your wallet.

Save money on childcare

The easiest way to save money on moving is to save money on childcare.

If you are planning on having a friend or family member watch your children while you move, it’s a good idea to talk to them about this well in advance. Offer to pay for their childcare or at least offer to contribute some cash towards it. This will ensure they don’t have any surprises when it comes time to leave your kids with them and focus on getting settled in your new home. You’ll end up saving money in the long run and everyone will be happy.

Change your mail address

You’ve finally done it! You’re moving out on your own, and you’re excited to get on with your own life. But before you go, there’s one more thing you’ll have to do: Change your address.

Putting off this simple task could end up saving you a lot of money in the long run. If you don’t let the post office know that you’re moving, they’ll keep sending important mail to your old address, and you’ll miss out on important financial information or tax documents.

When is the last time you checked your mailbox? Chances are, it’s been some time since anyone has sent something to your home address—but that doesn’t mean it’s completely safe to just leave it be. The best thing to do is change it now while it’s fresh in your mind.

Consider Shopping Second Hand

Whether you’re renting a truck and doing it yourself or hiring movers, there are ways to save money on both. One of the important things you should consider is shopping second-hand. There are many reasons why you should buy used instead of new: It saves money, it’s better for the environment, and you can find some great deals if you know where to look.

When buying used, be sure to check out online sites, local Facebook marketplace groups, and eBay. If you’re looking for furniture, keep an eye out for used furniture at estate sales or auctions—you never know what kinds of treasures you might find.

If you have friends or family who are moving at the same time as you are, see if they have anything they’d be willing to sell that they won’t need in their new place. It’s a great way to save money while helping them lighten their load as well. You should also ask friends and family if they have any gently-used items they’re not using anymore that they’d be willing to sell.

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